Investors pumped in more than Rs. 1 lakh (Rs. 1,00,000) crore in various mutual fund schemes during April, 2013 the highest in 2 years.
The funds mobilisation in April, 2013 comes after a net outflow of Rs. 1,08,000 crore in the preceding month.
As per the latest data available with market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), there was a net inflow of Rs. 1,06,000 crore during April, against a net outflow of Rs. 1,08,000 crore in March, 2013.
This was the highest net inflow by investors in mutual fund schemes in a single month since April 2011, when investors had put in Rs. 1,84,000 crore.
In April 2012, net funds mobilisation in mutual fund schemes stood at Rs. 92,746 crore.
At a gross level, mutual funds mobilised Rs. 6,78,000 crore in April, 2013 while there was redemption worth Rs. 5,72,000 crore as well during the period. This resulted in a net inflow of Rs. 1,06,000 crore.
This significant level of fund mobilisation has also helped the total asset under management of mutual funds to grow to Rs. 8,25,000 crore as on April 30.
During the financial year 2012 - 13, mutual funds had garnered Rs. 76,539 crore from investors.