by Dr. D. Sivaprakasm, Principal,

Dr.R.A.N.M. Arts and Science College, Erode - 638 009.

An Article from Our Building and Construction

The real estate  investors are broadly divid­ed into 3 categories.

The first category expects huge profits from their investment and they are prepared to assume risks. They pre­fer to invest in shares.

The second category attaches importance to safety than profits. They prefer bank deposits.

For the third category, both profits as well as safety are important. They prefer to invest in land or /  house property.

In the present scenario, most of the real estate investors prefer to invest in flats either for their own use or / to sell in future for impres­sive profits.

Is investment in flats safety?

Yes, is the answer to this question.


But, buying a new property needs a lot of caution as the city or / town may be new to some property buyers, to some, it may be investing in their house town while they live in an other country or / city, and to many, it is just a dream house that suits their budget.

Dr. D. Sivaprakasm


There may be problems after pur­chasing a home or / a flat, because of unfulfilled assurances, delays in handing over the property, etc.

Sometimes the house or / flat may be handed over months after the scheduled date of completion. The common amenities may not be developed on the area earmarked for open space reservation (OSR).

The maintenance charges might have been collected even before the common amenities were developed. There may be several such instanc­es and hence, the buyers should be aware of the rules & regulations with reference to these aspects.


The buyers may invest in inde­pendent houses, villas or apart­ments. They should have a check-list and ensure that their investment is safe. The check list is as under :

* Whatever may be the case, the property buyers should verify the title (ownership and rights) to the property.
* They should also ask for details of a couple of projects that the pro­moter or builder has completed and verify with the residents of these projects on the quality and services available.
* In the case of apartments, approval of the Local Planning Authority or the Directorate of the Town and Country Planning and the building license issued by the local body are mandatory.

* The construction should be according to the plan and if the constructed area is more than the permitted level, authorities can take action on the building. If there is deviation from the plan, then, all the house owners in the apartment may have to pay penalty.

* The buyers should have com­plete information on the plinth area and carpet area. The parking area cannot be sold separately as the entire land that was already sold was undivided share to all the own­ers. Similarly, all owners have the “roof rights” in a multi-storied apartment.

* The plan should have space earmarked for the common amenities and these cannot be developed on the OSR.


To safeguard their interest, the property buyers should enter into an agreement with the pro­moters.
This agreement should be very much clear incorporat­ing all the essential clauses that protect the interests of the buyers.
If there is any deviation, the buyer can claim suitable relief from the promoters. Hence, if there is a clear agreement between the buyer & the promoter, definitely, the invest­ment in a flat is safety.

About the author..!

Dr. D. Sivaprakasm, M.Com., M.Phil., B.G.L., PGDCA., Ph.D.,

Dr.R.A.N.M. Arts and Science College, Erode - 638 009.

Our Building and Construction
Block No. 2, Door No. 431,
Behind MMM Hospital, Mogappair East,
Chennai - 600037. Ph : +91- 44 6454 3377, +91- 44  4354 0330
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