Guar Seed and Guar Gum: Production Scenario

Guar Gum - Introduction
Guar Seed is a drought-tolerant, annual, legume crop
The guar seed consists of three parts: the seed coat (14-17%), the endosperm (35- 42%), and the germ (43-47%).
The spherical-shaped endosperm contains galactomannan gum, which forms a viscous gel in cold water.
Guargum is derived from endosperm, which is the primary marketable part of the plant
Grows well in sandy soils, with moderate, intermittent rains and good sunshine
Crop requires 8 – 15 inches of rain during vegetative season in 3 – 4 spells

Too much rain can cause the plant to become more 'leafy‘, thereby reducing the number of pods or the number of seeds per pod which affects the size and yield of seeds.

Production Scenario..!

India (about 80 % of global guar production),Pakistan(15%),Sudan,Australia,USA are producing countries.
Rajasthanis the leading producer of guarseed(around70%of total production in the country),followed by Haryana,Gujarat,Punjab
The crop was traditionally grown in marginal lands mainly rainfed,
Production used to fluctuate from 2 lakh tonnes to15 lakh tonnes annually with the level and intensity of monsoon rainfall in the major producing areas
However, the significant price rise seen in 2011-12 has induced more farmers to cultivate thi scrop.

Guar Products Exports

India and Pakistan are the major exporters of guargum while USA,China and European nations are the major importers.

India’s guargum exports are value data bove Rs.19,000 crores in2012–13(Apr.–Feb.)

Physical Markets
Jodhpur City in the North Western state of Rajasthan in India is the most important processing centre of Guar Gum and contributes approximately 40 %oftheworld's Guar Gum supply.
Ganga Nagar, Hissar, Alwar, Sirsa, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Nokha, Jaipur are the major markets for Guarseed.

Processing of Guar Seed
• Guar seed consists of three parts, germ(43-47 %), endosperm(35-42 %)andthehusk (117 %).
• Extracts from Guar seed include Guar Split / Gum (29%), Korma (30-35%)and Churi(35-40%).
• Guar split /gum is further refined to Guarpowder.
• The by product of Guar Gum industry consisting of the outer seed coat and germ materialis called guarmeal.
•The Guar meal after gumextraction is a potential source of protein and contains about42 crude protein, which is on eanda half times more than the level of protein in guarseed.

Guar Seed
Splits / Gum (27-29 %)
Husk & Germ (70 %)
Wastage (2-3 %)

The gum is commercially extracted from the seed sessentially by amechani calprocessofroasting,differentialattrition,sieving and polishing.
The seed sare broken and the germ is separated from the end osperm.
Refined GuarS plits are obtained when the fine layer offibrous material,which forms the husk, is removed and separated from the endosperm halves by polishing.
There fined Guar Splits are then treated and finished into powders by avariety of routes and processing techniques depend in gupontheend product

Factors Influencing Prices
Guar seed is a monsoon crop and furtherr equire dry weather for better production.The annual production is related to rainfall.
The global demand for guargum
The consumption pattern of guar seeds is largely influenced by the demands from the petroleum industry of United States of America and the oil field sine Middle Eastas the derivative products of these seeds are quiteuseful in the petroleum drilling industries.
The USD–INR Conversion rate also has an influence on prices as around 90%of the domestic guargum production is exported.



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