A subsidiary of BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), the BSE Institute has tied up with the Master of Science in Finance program at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. The 2 year degree program will have one semester spent in Mumbai and the remaining three in Frankfurt Germany.
Mr. Ambarish Datta, MD & CEO, BSE Institute Ltd, said, ''The program is aimed at providing student with global exposure. This program gives the student a unique opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of finance and a truly global perspective by learning and experiencing financial products, services and markets in Asian and European contexts and environments"
Professor Dr. Udo Steffens, President and CEO, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, said, ''The program incorporates an international dimension towards the study of finance. The bi-national set-up with BSE Institute Ltd. and Frankfurt School supports the curriculums global agenda. Frankfurt as the financial hub in Europe & Mumbai as a striving Asian financial center offer an excellent combination of perspectives"
The admission forms are available till 31 st July 2013 and the program begins in September, 2013. The 2 institutions will also offer a 20% scholarship to some students.