APRIL 20, 2013
Registration: 2:30 pm
Session Time: 3 pm to 5 pm
Moneylife Foundation
(Landmark: Chaithyabhoomi lane)
Knowledge Centre, 305, 3rd Floor,
Hind Service Industries Premises, Off Veer
Savarkar Marg, Shivaji Park, Dadar (W),
Mumbai – 400 028.
Prior registration is a must
Ms. Seraphina, Ms.Shilpa at 022 - 4920 5000
or email at foundation@moneylife.in
Log on to foundation.moneylife.in
In a genuine democracy of the people, by the people, for the people, government laws, rules & regulations ought to be implemented fairly. And, when there is miscarriage of justice, the legal system ought to restore the balance of equity in an affordable manner and within a reasonable time.
Unfortunately, for most ordinary people, approaching the judiciary is not a real option. While some pathbreaking judgments hold out a lot of hope, justice is usually delayed as well as denied, to the deserving. There is not only a huge backlog of cases. But, there are spiraling costs & increasing corruption.
What is the extent of the problem and what should be done? Listen to Mr. Bhagvanji Raiyani, Founder of the Forum For Fast Justice & a relentless crusader for judicial reform on how we can help push for change to reform the judiciary, which is a key pillar of democracy. Mr. Raiyani has filed over a hundred public interest litigations (PILs). Learn how to use the PIL route & join the effort for better laws and an effective judiciary.
Mr. Bhagvanji Raiyani is also Founder President of Kala Gurjari, Forum For Fairness In Education & Janhit Manch and founder of Society For Fast Justice. He is also Past President of the Juhu Junior Chamber and Past National Vice-President of the Indian Junior Chamber and Saurashtra Patel Samaj. Mr. Rayani is founder editor of Dhanya Saurashtra Dharani, a quarterly magazine and the author of several books. He founded a high school in his village Supedi, which was rated among the best in Gujarat.