I do my own research on commodities and take my own decisions while investing
Besides supply and demand fundamentals, interest rates, exchange rates and govt. policy too drives commodity prices. I seek information on these pricemoving factors from reliable independent sources before taking my trading decisions
• I do not get lured by false promises of assured returns
Returns can never be guaranteed in the commodity futures market.
• I do not avail of portfolio management services (PMS)
PMS services in commodities are not permitted by Forward Markets Commission (FMC) the regulator for the commodity futures market & is illegal
• It is my money; I manage it myself
I do not invest in commodities that I do not understand. I know that investing in commodities is different from investing in securities or / other instruments. Without knowledge of fundamental factors, I do not risk my hard-earned money.
Don’t Fall Prey to Unsolicited
Tips and Lures while Trading in Commodity Futures..!
Issued in public interest by:
If anyone approaches you for PMS in commodity futures, please report to:
Forward Markets Commission, Everest, 3rd Floor, 100, Marine Drive, Mumbai 400 002,
Tel: 022-227 953 00, Fax: 022-2281 2086, Email: contact.fmc@nic.in
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India,
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001,
Website: www.fcamin.nic.in