Property buyers
should check in detail all documents before buying a property, writes Ms. M.
Buying a new property
or plot of land needs a lot of caution, as the city or / town may be new to
some property buyers, to some it may be investing in their home town while they
live in another country or / city, and to many it is just a dream home that they
are able to find for their budget.
There may be problems
after purchasing a house / pot because of unfulfilled assurances, delays in
handing over the property, etc..1.
Mr. Rajani (name
changed) said she purchased a house in an apartment project.
The house was handed
over months after the scheduled date of completion, the common amenities were
developed on the area earmarked for open space reservation (OSR) & hence
the authorities had taken action, and maintenance charges were collected even
before the common amenities were developed.
Check-list ..!
There may be many
such instances and hence, consumers should be aware of the regulations.
They should have a
check-list and ensure that their investment is safe.
** Be it independent houses, villas or /
apartments, property buyers should verify the title (ownership & rights) to the land for the promoter.
** They should also ask for details of a couple
of projects that the promoter or /
builder has completed and verify with the residents of these projects on the
quality & services available.
Approval of the Local
Planning Authority..!
** In the case of apartments, approval of the
Local Planning Authority or the Directorate of the Town and Country Planning (DTCP)
and the building license issued by the local body are mandatory.
** The construction should be according to the
plan & if the constructed area is more than the permitted level,
authorities can take action on the building.
** If there is deviation from the plan,
then all the house owners in the apartment may have to pay penalty.
** The buyers should have complete
information on the plinth area & carpet area. The parking area can not be
sold separately as the entire land was already sold was undivided share to all
the owners. Similarly, all owners have the “roof rights” in a multi-storeyed
** The plan should have space earmarked
for the common amenities & these can not be developed on the OSR.
** Mr.K. Kathirmathiyon, Secretary,
Coimbatore Consumer Cause, said, ''If there is undue delay in completion of the
project, the buyer can claim suitable relief from the developer / promoter.
These conditions should be added in the agreement. The common amenities
promised in a project should be available in writing, he says.
** Keep a list ready to ensure the safety
of investment
** Parking area can not be sold separately to
** All owners have the ‘roof rights’ in an