CREDAI announced the launch of its Tamil Nadu chapter, a state apex body
comprising Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai & Trichy.
apex body will have Mr. R. Kumar as its chairman, Mr. N. Nandakumar as
president, (Both from Chennai) Mr. Ramesh Bafna as vice-president, (Coimbatore),
as its secretary (Tiruchi) and S. Ilankovan (CMD, Vishaal Promoters P
Ltd, Madurai)
as the treasurer.
TN aims at establishing autonomous chapters in 90% of urban areas and have ever
member sign the transparent Code of Conduct, foster self-regulated growth of
real estate, pursue with the government to implement reforms, help create
affordable housing and help achieve higher Gross Domestic Production (GDP) .
creation is an important aspect in realty &
we will be focusing on that. We will ensure transparent practices and
streamline issues and add value to customers,” says Mr. R. Kumar, while Mr. N.
Nandakumar adds, “We will have a help desk to take care of the generic requests
from other chapters since Chennnai is where we have access to the powers that