Entry Free All Are Welcome...!
Indian Financial markets are expanding, to create more financial awareness among retail, high Net worth Individuals & business opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs have taken steps to conduct exclusive financial event in Association with The Hindu and The Hindu Business Line in Chennai at Chennai Trade Centre on 3r and 4th May 2013, Dubai 9th and 10th May 2013 and in Singapore 17th and 18th May 2013.
Financial Event..!
This is exclusive B 2 B and B 2 C financial event the stall participants are Nationalised and Private Banks, Specialized Financial Institutions, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), Insurance Companies, Mutual Fund (MF) Houses, Credit Rating Agencies, Merchant Bankers, Equity, Commodity, Currency and Depository participant Exchange Members, Venture Capitalist and Private Equity Investment Institutions.
National Stock Exchange (NSE) has given consent to sponsor the event.
Dr. Rangagrajan, Chairman, Planning Commission and Prime Minister Advisory Council Inaugurating the event.
Mr.Raghuram, Chief Economic Advisors – Key Note speaker on Indian Economic Policies & Tax Issues.
Other Seminar Speakers are from Birla Sun Life Insurance, Union Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation and NCDEX.
It would be a great opportunity for portraying your financial products and services by taking stalls at the event location for expanding your business boundaries and connect with potential customers and create more visibility at National and International level.