Aviation Day India - 26 March
Remarks of Tony Tyler Director General and CEO
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Aviation Day India - New Delhi - 26 March 2013
It must be recognized that aviation is an important contributor to India’s economy. Aviation and aviation-related tourism in India supports:
· 1.5 % of GDP—that’s over 90,000 crore rupees of business
· and 1.8 % of the workforce—which is 88 lakh jobs
And these are good jobs. For those 17 lakh directly employed in transport, each generates about 13 lakh rupees in value added to the Indian economy – or / about ten times the Indian average.
Moreover the sector’s growth is a catalyst for economic activity. Think of all of the things that aviation enables. Some are obvious - like connecting finished products to consumers or bringing in tourists. But the impact of aviation is much more ubiquitous. Any foreign direct investment venture probably started with a face-to-face meeting made possible by aviation. Training and skills building most likely involves an exchange of experience and ideas that are facilitated by aviation. Successful product innovations are almost always supported by cultural awareness that can only be learned first-hand.
Connectivity means global opportunities. And the impact permeates throughout the economy—well beyond what we can measure in jobs and GDP.
So, the Minister of Finance would have a huge stake in a coordinated national aviation policy. But the impact would spread much more broadly. External Affairs, Home Affairs, Human Resources Development, Commerce and Industry, Rural Development, Urban Development and Agriculture are only the most obvious of cabinet responsibilities that are in some way enabled by aviation connectivity.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Krishna Moorthy – 944219 17171
Avian Media, Chennai
Emai: krishna@avian-media.com