Allocations for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan increased
substantially over the allocations of the current year. Funds allocated to these
Sub Plans cannot be diverted.
Rs. 97,134 crore allocated for programmes relating to women and Rs. 77,236 crore
allocated for programmes relating to children.
Ministry of Women and Child Development to design schemes that will address
the concerns of women belonging to the most vulnerable groups, including single
women and widows. An additional sum of Rs. 200 crore proposed to be provided
to the Ministry to begin work.
An increase of 12 % over the BE and 60 % over the RE of 2012-13 to
Ministry of Minority Affairs.
Allocation of Rs. 160 crore to the corpus of Maulana Azad Education Foundation
to raise its corpus to Rs. 1,500 crore during 12th Plan period.
Disabled Persons
A sum of Rs. 110 crore to the Department of Disablity Affairs for ADIP scheme in
2013-14 against RE 2012-13 of Rs. 75 crore.