Plans for seven new cities have been finalised and work on two new smart
industrial cities at Dholera, Gujarat and Shendra Bidkin, Maharashtra will start
duing 2013-14
Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) to be provided additional funds during
2013-14 within the share of the Government of India in the overall outlay, if
Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor to be developed.
Preparatory work has started for Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor.
Leh-Kargil Transmission Line
Government to construct a transmission system from Srinagar to Leh at a cost of
Rs. 1,840 crore.
Two new major ports will be established in Sagar, West Bengal and in Andhra
Pradesh to add 100 million tonnes of capacity.
A new outer harbour to be developed in the VOC port at Thoothukkudi,
Tamil Nadu through PPP at an estimated cost of Rs. 7,500 crore.
National Waterways..!
A bill to declare the Lakhipur-Bhanga stretch of river Barak in Assam as the
sixth national waterway to be moved in Parliament.
Preparatory work underway to build a grid connecting waterways, roads and ports.
Oil and Gas
A policy to encourage exploration and production of shale gas will be announced.
The 5 MMTPA LNG terminal in Dabhol, Maharashtra will be fully operational
in 2013-14.
In the medium to long term need to reduce our dependence on imported coal.
One way forward is to devise a PPP policy framework with Coal India Limited
as one of the partners.
Ministry of Coal to announce Government’s policies in due course.
Guidelines regarding financial restructuring of DISCOMS have been announced.
State Government urged to prepare the financial restructuring plan, quickly sign
MoU and take advantage of the scheme.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Benefits or preferences enjoyed by MSME to continue upto three years after they
grow out of this category.
Refinancing capacity of SIDBI raised to Rs. 10,000 crore.
Another sum of Rs. 100 crore provided to India Microfinance Equity Fund.
A corpus of Rs. 500 crore to SIDBI to set up a Credit Guarantee Fund for factoring.
A sum of Rs. 2,200 crore during the 12th Plan period to set up 15 additional Tool
Rooms and Technology Development Centres with World Bank assistance.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs to notify that funds provided to technology
incubators located within academic Institutions and approved by the Ministry of
Science and Technology or Ministry of MSME will qualify as CSR expenditure.