Support to municipalities that will implement waste-to-energy projects.
Government to provide low interest bearing fund from the National Clean Energy
Fund (NCEF) to IREDA to on-lend to viable renewable energy projects.
‘Generation-based incentive’ reintroduced for wind energy projects and Rs. 800
crore allocated for this purpose.
Backward Regions Grant Fund
New criteria for determining backwardness to be evolved and reflect them in
future planning and devolution of funds.
Skill Development
Target of skilling 50 million people in the 12th Plan period, including 9 million
in 2013-14.
Allocation for Defence increased to Rs. 2,03,672 crore including Rs. 86,741 crore
for capital expenditure.
Constraints not to come in the way of providing any addition requirement for the
security of nation.
Science and Technology
Despite constraints substantial enhancements given to Science and Technology,
Space and Atomic Energy.
Rs. 200 crore to be set apart to fund organisations that will scale up S&T innovations and make these products available to the people.
Institutions of Excellence
A grant of Rs. 100 crore each made to 4 institution of excellence.
National Institute of Sports Coaching to be set up at Patiala at a cost of
Rs. 250 crore over a period of three years.
All cities having a population of more than 1,00,000 will be covered by private
FM radio services.
Panchayati Raj
Augmentation in the Budget allocation of Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran
Abhiyan (RGPSA) to Rs. 455 crore in 2013-14. An additional Rs. 200 crore proposed
to be provided.
Post Offices
An ambitious IT driven project to modernise the postal network at a cost of
Rs. 4,909 crore. Post offices to become part of the core banking solution and
offer real time banking services.
Ghadar Memorial
Government to fund the conversion of the Ghadar Memorial in San Francisco
into a museum and library.
Central Schemes
Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and Additional Central Assistance (ACA)
Schemes to be restructured into 70 schemes. Central fund for the schemes to be
given to the States as part of central plan assistance.