Average annual growth rate of agriculture and allied sector was 3.6% during XI
Plan against 2.5% and 2.4% in IX and X plans respectively.
In 2012-13, total food-grain production will be over 250 million tonnes. Minimum
support price for every agricultural produce has increased significantly under the
UPA Government.
Rs. 27,049 crore allocated to Ministry of Agriculture, an increase of 22 %
over the RE of current year.
Agricultural research provided Rs. 3,415 crore.
Agricultural Credit
For 2013-14, target of agricultural credit kept at Rs. 7 lakh crore.
Interest subvention scheme for short-term crop loans to be continued scheme
extended for crop loans borrowed from private sector scheduled commercial
Green Revolution
Bringing green revolution to eastern India a remarkable success. Rs. 1,000 crore
allocated in 2013-14.
Rs. 500 crore allocated to start a programme of crop diversification that would
promote technological innovation and encourage farmers to choose crop
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and National Food Security Mission provided
Rs. 9,954 crore and Rs. 2,250 crore respectively.
Allocation for integrated watershed programme increased from Rs. 3,050 crore in
2012-13 (BE) to Rs. 5,387 crore.
Allocation made for pilots programme on Nutri-Farms for introducing new crop
varieties that are rich in micro-nutrients.
National Institute of Biotic Stress Management for addressing plant protection
issues will be established at Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
The Indian Institute of Agricultural Bio-technology will be established at Ranchi,
Pilot scheme to replant and rejuvenate coconut gardens implemented in some
districts of Kerala and the Andaman & Nicobar extended to entire State of Kerala.
Farmer Producer Organizations
Matching equity grants to registered Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) upto
a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs per FPO to enable them to leverage working capital
from financial institutons.
Credit Guarantee Fund to be created in the Small Farmers’Agri Business
Corporation with an initial corpus of Rs. 100 crore.
National Livestock Mission
National Livestock Mission to be set up.
A provision of Rs. 307 crore made for the Mission.
Food Security
Additional provision of Rs. 10,000 crore for National Food Security Act.