A whopping compensation of Rs.1.8 crore was awarded by the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, through the system of Lok Adalat, to the family of a software engineer who died in a road accident 2 years ago.
Mr. V. Kanagasabapathy (35), Senior Systems Administrator, was working in a software company in Singapore and earning Rs.1.87 lakh per month. At 3.30 am on February 11, 2011, he was proceeding to Thanjavur in his car accompanied by his wife & children.
While driving near Veppur of Cuddalore district, the rear wheel tyre of the car got punctured. Mr. V. Kanagasabapathy stopped the car by the side of the road, switching on the parking lights & came outside his car & was inspecting the car.
A Toyota Qualis car came from behind and hit him. He succumbed to injuries and dead. His car was also damaged.
The bereaved family filed a petition before the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal seeking compensation of Rs.4 crore from R.A.Pandiaraj, owner of the vehicle that hit the software professional, and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company.
The case has been pending since 2011. This case was referred to the Lok Adalat organised by the State Legal Services Authority for settlement of the dispute. The Adalat Bench headed by Justice Malai.Subramanian passed the award.
“In view of the compromise arrived at between the family & the insurance company, the compensation amount has been fixed at Rs.1.80 crore payable by Bajaj Allianz to the family”, the award said.
K.Jeeva, Deputy Manager (Legal), Bajaj Allianz, said, “Rather than dragging the case further before the court, we preferred the mechanism of Lok Adalat, which is beneficial to the family & the Firm.”