** 1.52 lakh vacancies being filled up this year out of which 47,000 vacancies have been earmarked for weaker sections and physically challenged.
** Imparting skills to the youth in railway related trades in 25 locations.
** Setting up of a multi-disciplinary training institute at Nagpur for training in rail related electronics technologies.
** Setting up of a centralized training institute at Secunderabad – Indian
** Railways Institute of Financial Management (IRIFM).
** Five fellowships in national universities to be instituted to motivate students to study and undertake research on IR related issues at M.Phil and Ph.D. levels.
** Setting up of a chair at TERI promoting railway related research to reduce carbon footprint.
* * 8 Railway Teams won 9 National Championships in 2012.
** Railway Sports Promotion Board awarded the ‘Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar – 2012’.