The Directorate of Systems of the Income Tax Department has undertaken a business intelligence project to identify PAN (Permanent Account Number) holders who have not filed Income Tax Return and about whom specific information is available in 148 information codes of Annual Information Return (AIR), Central Information Branch (CIB) data and TDS / TCS Returns.
Information in the Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs) of FIU - IND has also been included as part of this data matching exercise. This data analysis has identified target segment of 12,19,832 non-filers linked to above 4.7 crore information records.
Rule based algorithms have been used to identify high priority cases for follow-up and monitoring.
In the first batch, letters are being sent to about 35,170 PAN holders by the Directorate of Intelligence and Criminal Investigation.
The letter contains the summary of the information of financial transaction (s) along with a customized response sheet & seeks to know whether the person had filed his / her Income Tax return or / not.
A Nodal cell has been set up to capture the response & take follow-up action. There will be an online monitoring system to ensure follow-up action & track return filing and income tax payment of the target segment.
The central government would once again urge all income tax payers to disclose their true income & pay appropriate taxes within the current financial year.also read Your every transaction is under income tax scanner