V-GUARD - Solar Water Heater : FAQs Part 2
Why are using 30 Degree slope
inclination in the stand?
This is an average inclination of system suitable to the
Indian geography.
* What
is the PUF density? Why we are not using more density PUF?
The PUF density is min 30 to 40 kg / m3. Low density PUF
has a Insulation property, so we are not using the high density PUF.
* What is the coating of the copper fins in
flat panel?
Selective Black-Chrome coating.
* When
salt is deposited inside the ETC tubes, how will you remove the salt?
Remove the ETC tubes, put sulphamic acid powder and water
inside the ETC tube, rinse the tube carefully till salt gets removed.
* What are the functions of air vent, ARV, AW
& VRV?
Air vent - safe guard the tank from positive and negative
pressure and air lock in the utility point.
ARV - Air release valve is used to release the air
AW - Air vent
valve is used to release the air automatically
VRV - Vacuum release valve is used to release the vacuum
formed inside the system automatically.
All the above valves are called as safety valve.
Difference between ARV and air vent?
The ARV can not act to the negative pressure but a air
vent can do.
* What is the
difference between pressure reducing valve and the pressure-regulating valve?
In pressure reducing valve the excess pressure will gets
reduced by discharging the water from the system. But in a pressure regulating
valve the pressure will be reduced by regulating the flow of the fluid without
* What is the use of NRV in cold water line
before Solar Water
Heater and which type of NRV to be used in Solar Water Heater?
The NRV blocks the heat and the hot water from mixing
with the cold water from the OHT line. So the hot water remains inside the
storage tank. Use only Horizontal type NRV installed in horizontal position.
* How many headers can be placed in a row and
how many columns in a row to get a natural thermo syphoning?
Maximum 5 rows of headers with 6 headers in a row.
* In a case where natural thermo syphoning is
taking place in a higher capacities connection, customer is asking to increase
the performance what is to be done? (For more hot water)
Option -1: We can increase the Number of headers
Option -2: We can
put tank to header circulation with TC.
* If cold - water tank height is 10 m what
will be the pressure in solar tank?
The pressure inside the tank will be 1 kg / cm2.
* In a special case we have increased the
thickness of 100 LPD inner tank, to 1 mm. can we increase the working pressure
to 1 kg / cm2?
No, since the working pressure of the ETC tube is 0.8kg /
cm2. Thickness does not play a role.
* What is the
maximum working pressure of the ETC tubes in PR model?
In PR models the pressure has no role with the ETC tubes.
* What
is the minimum and maximum working pressure of the our normal system?
The minimum & maximum pressure are 0 and 0.4 kg/cm2.
* What is the minimum and maximum working
pressure of the our PR system?
The minimum & maximum pressure are 0 and 4 kg/cm2.
* What will be the efficiency of the system
if we use tank to utility point circulation pump continuously?
Temperature loss in the storage tank will increase.
* When
the tank to header circulation is required?
When the tank to header position changes. The Number of
rows of header increases Needs more hot water.
* When the tank to utility point circulation
is required?
To get immediate hot water when the tap is opened. When
the utility point is far away from the Solar Water Heater.
* Why
we are using SS 304 - L grade steel for inner tanks, what are all the advantages?
SS 304 - L grade steel has 0.03 % carbon, which is 0.05 %
less than SS 304 grade, so the corrosion resistant property increases compared
to SS 304.
* In a 100 LPD system 2 KW of short length
& long length heating coils are used which heater will heat the water
The heating time for both the heaters are same, the
heating does not depend on the length. But it depends up on where we are
33 / 2905 F, Vennala High School Road, Vennala, Kochi -
682 028,
Ph: +91 484 3005000 , Fax: 0484-3005100,
E-mail: mail@vguard.in