According to Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB, our country India is expected to have close to 16.50 crore mobile internet users by March 2015, up from 8.71 crore in December 2012 as more people are accessing the web through mobile devices and dongles.
Highlights of IAMAI and IMRB Report..~!
* The number of mobile Internet users increased to 8.71 crore by December 2012 from 7.87 crore users in October 2012, who accessed Internet through dongles and tablet PCs.
* Mobile Internet users is expected to grow further to 9.29 crore by March 2013, 13.06 croreby March 2014 and 16.48 crore by March 2015.
* The number of mobile Internet users in India stood at 41 lac in March 2009.
* Of the 7.87 crore users in October 2012, 6.10 crore Off - Deck users (accessing sites other than sites of the operator), 1.50 crore On-Deck users (accessing only sites specified by the operator). The remaining 27 lac users accessed the internet using dongles (i.e. connected to Internet using 2G, 3G or high-speed data cards).
* An average monthly bill of a user who access Internet on mobile devices is Rs. 460. Of this, nearly Rs. 198 is spent towards Internet expenses. This is a very healthy trend as it shows willingness of the users to spend about 40% of the bill towards Internet access. The rest is spent on voice services.
* Email, social networking services (SNS) & messengers have high usage among mobile Internet users. The report found that accessing online videos, games or / reading online news is done nearly 2 to 6 times a week.
* Online games are accessed by about 50% of the mobile Internet users, less than 30% of users read online news & watch online videos.