Indian Women Participation in Decision Making

**  In 2012, women occupied only 8 out of 74 Ministerial positions in the Central
Council of Ministers. There were 2 women judges out of 26 judges in the Supreme
Court and there were only 54 women judges out of 634 judges in different High

**   According to National Family Health Survey–III (2005‐06) in the rural sector
currently married women take 26 % decisions regarding obtaining health care for
herself and 7.6 % in case of purchasing major household items. 10 % decisions are
taken by females in respect of visiting their family or /  relatives. For urban areas, these
figures are 29.7  %, 10.4  % &  12.2  % respectively.

**   In the age group of 15 to 19 years, 46  % of women are not involved in any kind
of decision making. In the rural sector, 23.4  % females are not involved in any decision‐
making while, in the urban sector, only 13.9  % of urban resident women are not
involved in any decision making.  It is found that 32.7 % illiterate women, 21.6 % unemployed women are not involved in any decision making. For the country as a
whole, 59.6 % have access to money.

Src:  wowen and men in india 2012 mospi report

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