Indian Women Literacy and Education..!
^ ^ As per Census 2011, 74 % of the population is literate comprising 65.5 % females
and 82.1 % males. The incremental increase over Census 2001 of 11.8 % for
females is higher than 6.8 % for males.
^ ^ Among the States / UTs, the female literacy rate is the highest in Kerala at
92 % followed by Mizoram at 89.4 %. The highest male literacy rate is observed in
Lakshdweep at 96.1 % followed by Kerala at 96 % as per Census 2011.
^ ^ As per NSS 64 th Round, 2007‐08, of the currently attending students aged 5 to
29 years, 69.2 % females in primary schools, 65.6 % females in the middle schools and
56.8 % females in secondary & higher secondary schools were attending Government
schools. The share of males is across the board lower at 65.4 %, 64.0 % &
55.6 % in the respective categories.
^ ^ Share of females getting free education / exemption from tuition fee & receiving
different types of incentives is higher than that for males in all the three levels
of school education. However, the average annual expenditure for females is
lower than that of males.
^ ^ The main reasons of females never attending school are ‘expensive cost of
education’, ‘not interested in studies’, ‘education is not considered necessary’ and
‘required for household work’.
^ ^ The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for females at the primary level stood at
115.39 compared with 115.55 for males in 2009‐10 indicating parity in GER.
At the middle classes level, the GER for females was 78.30 while that for males was 84.53.
^ ^ The Gross Attendance Ratio for females in the classes I to V in rural areas was
103 compared with 106 for males in 2007‐08 (NSS 64th Round). The Net Attendance
Ratio was observed to be 83 & 86 for females and males respectively in the rural
areas in the classes I to V.
Drop Out Rates 51.97 for Females..!
^ ^ The Drop‐out Rates were observed to be 27.25 and 30.25 for females & males
respectively in the classes I‐V in 2009‐10. These were 44.39 & 40.59 in classes I‐VIII
and 51.97 & 53.38 in classes I to X for females and males respectively.
Src: wowen and men in india 2012 mospi report