IFA Galaxy jointly with SIFAA, Salem, Tamil Nadu had conducted its Knowledge Seminar for IFAs in & and around Salem about the the following topics and it was well received by IFAs.
There were totally about 80 IFA and 11 RM of AMCs attended this event which was held on 5th January 2013 at Salem.
This Knowledge Seminar is Fully Sponsored by IFA Galaxy at it was a Free to attend for all Delegates.
The following were the Topics taken up for discussion:-
How to Build client loyalty? Presentation by Mr. S Srinivasan
Fee based model, is it a reality? Presentation by Mr. Abubakr Siddiq
Presentation by Karvy - Mailback Services & Problem Resolving
QUIZ conducted by Mr. Sathish Kumar C
When & why should you balance the portfolio By Mr. Padmanabhan
Debate - Equity Fund or Debt Fund by K. Ramesh Bhat and Team
Mr. Ramesh Bhat K
President - IFA Galaxy
Email: ifagalaxy@gmail.com