IFA Galaxy is Holding Two Free Knowledge Seminars for Chennai IFAs and Tamil Nadu IFAs.
Chennai IFAs Seminar will be held on 19th Feb 2011 - Limited to 150 Seats for IFAs & 25 Seats for RMs - So far have 40 Seats Booked.
To book your seat click the link below.
To Register - Chennai Click here
Entrance for the Seminar is Free for IFA / RM who have Registered online only. If you come directly without Registration you will be charged Rs. 250-
If your register and not able to make it for the seminar, please inform one day in advance so that let the other IFAs get the chance.
AGENDA for Chennai Seminar
9.30 AM To 10 AM - Breakfast & Registration
10 AM To 10.15 AM - Prayer & Welcome Address
10.15 AM To 11.00 AM - Why should I become a CFP?
By Mr. Subash CFP & Trainer
11 AM T0 11.15 AM - Coffee / Tea Break
11.15 AM To 12 AM - How to Excel using an "MS EXCEL"
By Mr. Subash CFP & Trainer
12 AM to 01.30 PM - "Effective Client Communication"
- A Presentation by Dr. Kumarbabu
01.30 PM - Lunch
Tamil Nadu IFAs Seminar will be held on 5th March 2011 - Limited to 150 Seats for IFAs and 25 Seats for RMs - So far we have 74 Seats Booked.
To book your seat click the link below.
To Register - Trichy Click here
Entrance for the Seminar is Free for IFA/RM who have Registered online only. If you come directly without Registration you will be charged Rs. 250
If your register and not able to make it for the seminar, please inform one day in advance so that let the other IFAs get the chance.
We would like to conduct the Knowledge Seminars across India, If we get the local chapter support.
Initially IFA Galaxy would like to conduct one in Bangalore for Karnataka IFAs (waiting for the KAMFA Support), Hyderabad for Andhra Pradesh IFAs, Cochin for Kerala IFAs.
There are lot enquiries about sponsorship of both the Seminars from AMC side. Please excuse us this time, as this knowledge seminar is done only by IFA Galaxy without any Sponsorship. Next time we will consider your request.
Ramesh Bhat - President
IFA Galaxy
Contact: bhat@ifagalaxy.com, srini@ifagalaxy.com
Tele: 91 - 44 - 24951015