Fibtec, a
technological leader in Composite - design, manufacturing, installing
underground storage tank of ‘COMPTNK’ in Tambaram, Chennai.
Installed number of tanks in the city with the
design life of 75 years.
** Comptnk a factory moulded Underground Water Storage Tank, capacity of
13,500 litres; can be installed in a day and effective in usage on the same
** Cost of tank is equal or / better than the
civil concrete (RCC) tank, including the installation and commissioning.
** Its inside glassy finish is considerably
eliminating algae growth and bio-fouling.
It is impervious, never allows percolation of even moisture.
** No steel rebar structure is used in the tank
construction - leads good corrosion resistant even in saline water nature.
** Installation space by volume is hardly 5 per
cent more than the water stored.
** Comptnk Can be used as overhead tank, since
the weight of 13,500 litres capacity tank is only 700 kgs.
** Also it is available with inside partitions
& custom made nozzles.
Ms.Shreemadhi.K, Executive - Marketing.
HP: +91 94444
Fib tec.
[An unit of Ti
Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd]
Noothanchary, Madambakkam, Chennai –
: +91 44
2278 1148, Fax:
+91 44 2278
E-mail: ,Web Site:
Fibtec, a
technological leader in Composite - design, manufacturing, installing
underground storage tank of ‘COMPTNK’.
Comptnk a factory moulded
Underground Water Storage Tank, capacity of 13,500 litres; can be
installed in a day and effective in usage on the same day. It is impervious, never allows percolation of even moisture.
Its inside glassy finish is considerably
eliminating algae growth and bio-fouling.
Installation space by volume is hardly 5 % more than the water stored.
Also it
is available with inside partitions & custom made nozzles. Its design life is 75 years +.