Female Headed Households is 11.1% in India.!

Indian Women Population and Vital Statistics

 **  As per Census 2011, the population of India is 1210.19 million comprising
586.47 million (48.5 %) females and 623.72 million (51.5 %) males.
Females have a share of 48.1 0% in the urban population and of 48.6 % in the rural population.

**  The average annual exponential growth rate of population during 2001‐2011
is 1.64 %. The decadal growth rate during the same period stands at 17.64 % which is
3.90 % less than that during 1991‐2011.

**  In the age‐group 0 to 6 years, the share of female child population is 47.8 % of
the total child population in that age‐group. Among the States, this share varies between
45.4 % (Haryana) and 49.3 % (Mizoram).

The sex‐ratio..!

**  The sex‐ratio (number of women per 1000 men) is 940 in 2011 which shows
continued improvement over the sex ratios of 927 in 1991 and 933 in 2001. Among
the States, in Census 2011, Kerala has the highest sex ‐ ratio of 1084 and Haryana has
the lowest of 877.

**  The mean age at effective marriage for females stands at 21.0 years in 2010.
Among the major States, the highest mean age at effective marriage is 22.6 years for
Kerala and the lowest is 20.1 years for Rajasthan.

** Of the 48.7 % never married persons in 2010, women had a share of 43.8 %
compared with 53.5 % for men.

Fertility Rate..!

**  Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has come down from 3.2 in 1999 to 2.5 in 2010. The
General Fertility Rate (GFR) during the same period has decreased from 103.2 to
83.9. The age‐specific fertility rate is highest (198.6) in the age group 20 to 24 years
followed by 156.8 in the age‐group 20 to 24 years and 66.0 in the age‐group 30 to 34

** Historically, the age‐specific mortality rate is the lowest for both males and
females in the age‐group 10 to 14 years. The mortality rate among females across all
ages is 6.7 and that among males is 7.7 for the year 2010.

Female Headed Households.!

** Out of 150.18 million households in the rural areas in 2004‐05, 16.67 million
(11.1 %) are Female Headed Households. In the urban sector, out of the total of
56.97 million households, 4.85 million (10.9  %) are Female Headed.

**  Keeping with the past trend, the share of rural migrant females stood at a
high level of 47.7  % compared with a meagre 5.4  % of their male counterparts in
2007‐08.  The share of urban female migrants was 45.6  % compared with 25.9  % for
males during the same period.

**  60.8 % of the rural migrant females migrated due to marriage followed by
29.4  % due to movement of parents / earning member in 2007‐08.
A high 55.7  % of the male migrants migrated due to employment reasons followed by 25.2 % due to movement of parents / earning member in the same period.

Src:  wowen and men in india 2012 mospi report

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