Now, identity proof is required for air-conditioned travel, e-ticket users & Tatkal booking in Indian railways. In case of a group booking, one of the passengers has to show identity proof. The move is expected to reduce the misuse of reserved tickets. This will impact about 7 to 8 lakh passengers who use the sleeper services every day.
In a related move, the Railways has expanded the list over & above the identity proofs currently accepted. The new list includes cards having serial numbers issued by public sector undertakings of State / or Central Government, district, Municipal & Panchayat administrations.
The present list includes voter photo identity card, passport, PAN card, driving licence, ration card and pension pay order. etc..!
According to an official release, ''Any one of the passengers booked on a PNR for undertaking a journey in any reserved class has to produce …proofs of identity in original during the journey, failing which all the passengers booked on that ticket will be treated as travelling without ticket & charged accordingly”