The Central Govt has launched a new website of Income Tax E-filing.
Have you seen Form 26AS of well - known persons like Mr. Ambanis, Mr. Tatas, Mr. Deols etc?
Earlier it was not possible for all to see this, but now on new I T E-filing website it is possible for all CAs.
How.. ?????
You might think that bout RTI Act. But that answer is not totally correct, as that is the another (lengthy) way. About the fastest way which is given below:-
^ Register on as a “CA”
^ Then make login
^ Click on “View 26AS” Option on the left side panel.
^ Now enter the PAN (Permanent Account Number) and DOB (Date Of Birth) of person of whom you want to see Form 26AS and the task is over.
Now, you might think that how can we get PAN and DOB of Mr. Ambani, Mr.Tata etc?
The answer is – use the option know you PAN from the same website.
To know the PAN you need Name and DOB. And DOBs of well-known persons are always available on search engines like google, Yahoo etc.
In this way, you will get PAN of these persons. and now you can have Form 26AS.
Very simple...!????
But, this power is limited to CAs only. Actually, should use this facility to view Form 26AS of Temporary Registrants regarding which there is not any facility to view Form 26AS until they become Permanent Registrants.
The Tip provided by here hints to the loophole in the new website which Income Tax Department needs to look into..!