A Technical Committee
was set up by Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation to estimate the
Urban Housing Shortage for the 12th Five Year (2012 to 17). The Committee
submitted its final report &
estimated total housing shortage in the country at 18.78 million.
The report further
recognises that eliminating housing shortage during the period of the Twelfth
Five Year Plan, over & above maintaining the current rate of construction,
will be a challenging task, even with full involvement and co-operation of
private sector & builders’ lobby.
It is, therefore,
proposed to meet this challenge through alternative & complementary
strategies. Housing will be made a part of infrastructure sector or declared to
be an industry, so that it is possible to incentivise the construction
activities to deliver an appropriate mix of dwelling units to meet the needs of
the people in housing poverty.
Vacant houses will be
brought into the housing market through taxation & incentive policies.
Households that have the problem of congestion must be enabled to create extra
space or build extra rooms through support from public agencies. People living
in 80 year old (or older) houses will be shifted to newer units.