* A safe alternative to holding and managing cash
* No minimum balance required
* Free SMS confirmation on every transaction* (network charges may apply)
* Security features back by the world-class systems of Western Union, ICICI Bank and MasterCard which includes 24 / 7 stolen / loss reporting and blocking
* Gives ability to make payments securely, e.g. larger purchases, paying remotely instead of carrying cash
* Many ways to load monies onto the card
* Load money onto card at 1,000 participating Western Union agent locations throughout India
When cash is received as wages, remittances or / as gifts, it can be loaded onto the card for safekeeping and ready to spend
* Soon to be launched third party loading money onto the card, making it a convenient and easy way to send money to family & friends
Example: A woman’s husband works in another part of India. The husband can put money on the wife’s card at any time to pay for family expenses
* Easy to get cash from the card 98,000 ATM locations India-wide including free withdrawals from 8,000 ICICI Bank ATMs