International Tech
Park Chennai, a joint venture between TIDCO & Ascendas, has been awarded
the LEED Gold certification for Phase II.
The certification is
awarded in the category of Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance,
version 2009 standard. It is the first multi -tenanted building in India to be
certified LEED Gold under the new version.
Built in 2007, the
building is the second of the 3 buildings at the tech park, and offers 7,30,000
square feet of office space.
Conserve Energy &
The building has made
many modifications and retro fits to conserve energy & water and reduce
harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Earlier, ITPC’s first phase building had
earned the LEED Silver certification.
About LEED..!
LEED (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design) is an internationally recognised green
building certification programme designed by the US Green Building Council