Indian Real Estate (Regulation of Development) Bill: The Real(i)ty Bill..!?

The current scenario envisages a national regulator for protecting the interests of housebuyers through a Real Estate (Regulation of Development) Bill which is pending in the Parliament. From creating checks on developers / or promoters / or builders and their projects to ensuring how consumer rights are enforced more stringently, this Act seeks to set up a Regulatory Authority and an Appellate Tribunal which will create an alternate redressal mechanism for residential buyers.

Also, with the host of checks on promoters to ensure that not only are the current information asymmetries in the development sphere removed. But also that the promoter adheres to his timelines & delivery specifications and his accountability is ensured through monetary
& even civil penalties.

The entire germ of this idea of this Bill is to ensure that an umbrella regulation can create an efficient regulation mechanism for the real estate sector & provide all its stakeholders with a tool for efficacious implementation of their strategies.

From JLL India Report - Finding Real Value in a Course Correction: Adapt, Sustain & Grow

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