The builder / promoter / developer community in Andhra
Pradesh (AP) is seeing easy availability of sand at a better price due to the
new sand policy that has been announced recently. Though it will take some time
for its implementation across the AP state, it has struck the right chord with
the construction community. The price of sand in recent times has doubled due
to non-availability because of a court stay on sand mining after concerns were
raised about exploitation of the natural resource.
Andhra Pradesh Water Land & Trees Act.
In the new policy, the AP state has now done away with
auctions & instead put a lottery system in place for sand. There are provisions
to seize vehicles & machinery that violate sand mining norms. Mining should
be restricted to the quantity fixed in the mining plan & adhere to the
stipulations of Andhra Pradesh Water Land & Trees Act.
The SSR (standard scheduled rate) for sand is fixed at
Rs. 325 per cubic metre at pitheads in sand reaches. The district authorities
have to fix the selling price, which should not br more than 20% of the SSR.
The new policy also applies to those already quarrying sand. VAT (Value added
tax) and other levies add to the cost while the distance from sand source will
determine the landing cost of sand.
Guntur, which is among the districts implementing the new
policy, is allowing builders to involve directly they are allowed five (5)
trips of sand based on project approval plans. Representations for similar
facility are being made in Krishna & other districts.