India’s leading Interventional Cardiologist from Chennai, Dr. G. Sengottuvelu, compiled a booklet “All About Heart Failure” which was released by His Excellency Dr. K. Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu, Popular film actor, Mr. Sivakumarreceived the first copy of booklet from governor.
The booklet, provided for free, is a quick guide for public at large. The booklet aims to clear myths & misconceptions among public about heart failures. Booklet answers the following questions for a common man.
^ What is heart failure?
^ What is the difference between heart attack, heart failure and cardiac arrest?
^ Symptoms, risk factors & diagnosis of Heart failure
^ Stages of heart failure
^ Treatment options for heart failure
^ Devices available for treatments
^ Living with devices
^ What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?
^ Symptoms & treatment for SCA
^ Defibrillation
Dr. G. Sengottuvelu, Senior Consultant & Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai said, “With many campaigns, awareness on heart diseases among public is high. Media played a substantial role in educating public. But still, we are surrounded with half - truths, misconceptions & myths about heart diseases. This booklet brought out with the help of Dr. Ravi Babu Sivaraj, aims to bring facts out in the public domain. We hope our humble effort will create a well aware and health conscious people.”
Booklets can be obtained free of cost from 94457 76666 / 2834 6666
For More Information:
Satish, Mediacom PR, 044 - 4211 - 4883 / 97909 - 53192
Cerin Pathrose, Account Manager, Mediacom PR
Ph: +91 99466 63101, Email :
Ph: +91 99466 63101, Email :