Capital market regulator SEBI took actions against about 1,365 persons or / or entities or /companies for carrying irregular transactions in 2011-12, Parliament was informed recently.
"Complaints that are received from time to time regarding irregular transactions are examined as per extant SEBI guidelines & it takes civil and / or criminal actions as deemed necessary," Minister of State for Finance Mr. Namo Narain Meena said in a written reply to Rajya Sabha.
The reply said the total number of persons / or entities / or companies against whom action was taken by SEBI in 2011-12 was about 1,365.
Irregular transactions in individual companies do not normally cause fluctuations in the share market. However, it may cause fluctuations in the shares of the affected company, Mr. Namo Narain Meena added.
"Fluctuations in market are not unusual. Market movements are the outcome of perceptions of the investors about the economy, the sector & companies. These entities were further prohibited from buying, selling or dealing in securities in any manner till further directions. " Mr. Namo Narain Meena also said.
SEBI Actions Vs Rrregular Transactions
2011 - 12 1,365
2010 -11 389
2009 -10 932
2008 - 09 461
2007 - 08 629