The passengers have to carry a proof of identity while travelling in trains in India. Passengers booked on the tickets issued from computerised Passenger Reservation System (PRS) and Internet (i-ticket), undertaking journey in AC - 3 tier, AC - 2 tier, 1st AC, AC chair car and executive classes, second class sleeper have to carry a proof of identity.
This has been done to keep a check on passengers travelling on transferred tickets.
The passengers can carry any of the 9 ID proofs, in original, while undertaking a train journey --
1. Voter ID Card
2. Passport
3. PAN card
4. Driving Licence
5. Photo identity card having serial number issued by central / state government,
6. Student identity card with photograph issued by recognised school / college for their students,
7. Aadhar card,
8.Nationalised bank passbook with photograph
9. Credit cards issued by banks with laminated photograph.
The passengers failing to produce the original identity proof, as and when asked for, will be treated as 'Without Ticket' and charged accordingly.
The rule will apply for all sorts of tickets issued by the railways. To create awareness among passengers, regarding the move, railways will soon start printing the message on the tickets issued computerised reservation system and Internet.