About 56% of the income tax filers in India who delay their tax filing are below 30 years of age, says a study.
It also noted that late filing was not a function of complexities related with the income tax filing process as 96% of late filers had no other income except salary.
India Tax Ratio 2012..!
As per the findings of the ‘India Tax Ratio 2012’ report by TaxSpanner.Com an online income tax return filing portal, “About 56% of India’s late income tax filers are below 30 years of age and only 17%of people above the age of 36 years file their returns late.”
Highlights of TaxSpanner Report..!
* Fifty per cent of Indians file their taxes in the last month of July, nearly 46% of salaried employees file their taxes in the last week of July.
^ Bangalore leads in terms of late filers at 39% followed by National Capital Region (NCR) at 24%. People from Hyderabad & Chennai contribute nearly 9% each to the late filers.
^ 45 % of the return filers in Bangalore file their returns after third week of July, only 39% of the return filers in NCR region file their returns post third week of July.
Contact TaxSpanner..!
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Ph: +91 11 4361 2130 (Not for Customer Support)
Bangalore Office:
411, 1st Floor, 1st Main, 7th Block, "C" Cross,
Koramangala, Bangalore 560095
Ph: +91 80 4142 6212 (Not for Customer Support)
Customer Support: support@spanacross.com
Any Other Query: information@spanacross.com