DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. recently announced the launch of DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund. DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund is an open ended Fund of Funds Scheme which will give Indian investors access to US equities by predominantly investing in the BlackRock Global Funds – US Flexible Equity Fund (BGF - USFEF).
The NFO (New Fund Offer) will commence on July 17, 2012 and close on July 31, 2012.
Mr.S.Naganath, President and Chief Investment Officer said, “DSP BlackRock has been at the forefront of launching feeder funds offering access to interesting global investment themes. The DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund is an addition to our bouquet of feeder funds and would provide investors with access to investment opportunities in the US equity market.”
Where would DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund invest?
DSP BlackRock US Flexible Fund will invest predominantly in units of BGF - USFEF. BGF - USFEF normally invests in securities that exhibit either growth or value investment characteristics, placing an emphasis as the market outlook warrants. BGF – USFEF is currently invested in sectors like Information Technology, Consumer Discretionary, Health Care, Energy, Industrials and Financials, among others (as on May 31, 2012).
What are the key features?
DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund (Scheme) will enable Indian Investors to access investment opportunities in the US equity markets, the largest and amongst the most well diversified markets in the world. This Scheme will provide investors with access to many global trends and investment themes through US companies that have been at the forefront of innovation.
The key features of BGF- USFEF are:
· BGF - USFEF is BlackRock’s flagship offering in the US Large Cap Equity space. This fund is an ‘all weather’ fund, which seeks to capture opportunities in both growth and value markets
· Leverages BlackRock’s strong US research presence. Based in BlackRock’s Princeton office, the investment team conducts rigorous fundamental research, supported by BlackRock’s extensive research capabilities.
· Managed by a highly regarded team of investment professionals, this fund has robust long-term investment philosophy and process
· The BGF USFEF follows a time-tested investment approach that blends a qualitative model with fundamental research
What is the investment strategy?
BGF – USFEF’s investment strategy is based on the belief that incorporating growth/momentum and valuation factors with disciplined security selection and portfolio construction will provide consistent and repeatable investment success. BGF-USFEF seeks to create a diversified portfolio of large capitalisation US companies which are expected to outperform the market. BGF-USFEF seeks companies that are well-managed, have strong earnings growth rates, and are selling at reasonable valuations.
Why should one invest in DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund?
By investing in DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund, investors can access investment opportunities in:
• The world’s largest country by GDP at USD 15.1 trillion
• The world’s largest equity market by market capitalization at USD 15.7 trillion
• One of the most well diversified markets in the world
• Some of the most innovative and market leading companies in the world
Why should one consider US equities today?
• US equities are trading at near multi-year lows based on valuation parameters
• US equities are a core component of major global equity /sector portfolios /indices
- On average, US equities represent close to 50% of global equity indices
- US equities represent over 75% of the global information technology sector and over 50% of the global healthcare, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, utilities, and industrials sectors
• It is among the most well diversified markets in the world - the top two sectors (Financials & Technology) account for only ~34% of US equity market capitalisation.
• Corporate balance sheets of most large and mid cap US companies are in good shape
• US equities are likely to continue out-performance over other global equity markets
• Signs of an improving US economy and relative strength of US economy compared to other developed countries
About DSP BlackRock Investment Managers..!
DSP BlackRock Investment Managers, a Joint Venture between the DSP Group & BlackRock is one of the premier Asset Management Companies in India (AUM: http://www.dspblackrock.com/investor-centre/mandatory-disclosures/aum-update.aspx). The DSP group has a track record of above 145 years and through its investment companies owns a 60% stake in the joint venture. BlackRock Inc. which owns a 40% stake in the JV, is one of the largest quoted asset management companies in the world and manages assets in excess of USD 3.68 trillion as Mar 31, 2012.
For More Details:
Ajit Menon Arun Rajendran Krishna Moorthy
DSP BlackRock DSP BlackRock Ketchum Sampark
LL: 66578151 LL: 66578072 M: 9442191717, krishnamoorthy.s@ketchumsampark.com