CMDA Recommends : Allowing Car Parking in Upper Floors on non - IT buildings

Chennai city residents are increasingly facing the problem of parking &  even roads are not spared for use as parking slots in major areas. On a representation from the CREDAI (Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India ) to modify development regulations, the CMDA (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority)  has recommended to the Tamil Nadu government for allowing car parking in the upper floors on non - IT buildings.

Now, parking in the upper floors above stilt floors was permitted in the case of IT buildings & hence the need to amend the development regulations. 

At the same time, the CMDA prefer to prevent unauthorised conversion of parking space for other purposes either by way of collecting security deposit / any other means.

There are advantages while permitting parking space in the upper floors. The cost of construction may be reduced when compared to the construction of basement floors apart from limitations in digging. In some areas, the water table may be very high that will act as a barrier for construction of basement floors.

The CMDA’s monitoring committee of the regulatory authority while approving the suggestion felt that a charge shall be made by the developer or owner for the undivided share of the land (UDS) or premises transferred by way of sale deed or lease deed executed.

The covered car parking may be allowed up to ground plus 3 floors above ground level in cases of residential & commercial developments and the same shall not be included in the computation of FSI ( Floor space index ) and coverage.

 A parking security deposit at Rs. 500 per square meter will be collected & refunded after 3 years of occupation of the building.

A certification for the designs to withstand the earthquakes, for the upper parking floors from the Class I structural engineer may also be insisted since Chennai happens to be in seismic zone III.

Real Estate Industry sources say that this will go a long way in easing the vehicle - Car parking congestion in residential complexes as well make way for the vehicular movement on roads in residential localities. The plan will have to be now approved by the government before amendment to DC (Development Control) rules.


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