State Bank of India (SBI), Chennai Circle donated an Ambulance Van & Medical Equipments to the Paediatric Centre of Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai valued at Rs. 52 lacs on 29.05.12.
Mr. Pratip Chaudhuri, Chairman, SBI, handed over the keys of the Ambulance Van to Dr.Shantha, Chairman Cancer Institute.
Mr.. Sharad Sharma (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. S.A.Thimmiah, GM, Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara, GM were present on the occasion.
Photo caption: (Left – Right)
1. Mr.Sharad Sharma, Deputy Managing Director , State Bank of India
2. Mr.Pratip Chaudhuri, Chairman, State Bank of India
3. Dr.V.Shanta,Chairman of the Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar
Mr. Pratip Chaudhuri, Chairman, SBI, handed over the keys of the Ambulance Van to Dr.Shantha, Chairman Cancer Institute.
Mr.. Sharad Sharma (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. S.A.Thimmiah, GM, Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara, GM were present on the occasion.
Photo caption: (Left – Right)
1. Mr.Sharad Sharma, Deputy Managing Director , State Bank of India
2. Mr.Pratip Chaudhuri, Chairman, State Bank of India
3. Dr.V.Shanta,Chairman of the Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar