Rajasthan Youth Association was formed 50 years ago to promote fellowship & render service to society. Started in 1963, by a group of 25 enterprising & service minded youth, mostly businessmen, who came together to foster fellowship, imbibe leadership and serve society selflessly. Today professionals in the fields of accountancy, engineering and business administration, technologists, lawyers, industrialists and businessmen.
The Association is now, of over 225 members settled in Chennai , capital of Southern Indian State of Tamilnadu, but with origins in the North Indian State of Rajasthan.
With it's main Social Service project is the Book Bank Project that is now in the 50th year and it is the oldest and largest of its kind in India.
Text Books loaned..!
Under this project, text books are loaned to college students without reference to their caste, creed or sex. The students retain the books for the year of study & then exchange them for the next year. This goes till the end of their graduation. We are thus helping them to complete their course without any hitch as far as study materials are concerned.
The project covers courses ranging from Arts & Commerce to Engineering.
Almost Colleges from Chennai, Chengalpattu & Kanchipuram are covered by the project. Over 70,000 students have already benefited from this project.
Every year above 2,500 students are added to this list. At any given point of time, at least 6,500 students are beneficiaries of the project.
It has been endeavor, that no student should drop out of the course of his / her choice for want of text books.
What is RYA Book Bank?
Rajasthan Youth Association (RYA) was formed about 50 years ago to promote fellowship and render service to society. RYA’s main Social Service project is the Book Bank Project that is now in the 50th year and it is the oldest and largest of its kind in India.
Why RYA Book Bank?
RYA's primary aim and focus is to serve the student community for the cause of education.
RYA provides the Text Books to deserving and needy college students without discrimination on account of caste, creed or religion. Merit and economic background are the only criteria for selecting a student to distribute books covering a wide range of disciplines like Arts, Commerce, Science & Engineering.
Who can get enrolled with RYA Book Bank?
Students from almost all the colleges aspiring Bachelors degree from Arts, Commerce, Science & Engineering disciplines, affiliated to any university can enroll with RYA.
What is the procedure to get enrolled with RYA Book Bank?
Students are required to get registered with WEB REG ID NO. at www.ryabookbank.com between the dates announced by the Project Book Bank disbursement scheme.
How to get enrolled with RYA Book Bank?
Once students are registered with WEB REG ID NO, Students are issued with Application form to obtain books as per the requirements.
What are the content in the Application form?
Basic information of the student, Parent declaration form, List of books required, Recommendation letter, Surety bond.
When can I get the books after submitting the Application Form duly filled?
Application forms must be filled and duly signed. To be submitted along with +2 Mark list and 1 recent Passport size photograph.
Once the process of selection is completed by project scheme, the students shall be intimated with the Letter of Allotment by posts. Student can receive the books as per the disbursement date in the allotment letter.
How many books can I take?
For every subject, the students can take one book of their own choice. Subject to availability of book & desired author.
Can I exchange books once it is taken from book bank?
Absolutely Yes, Student can come to RYA office between working hours & exchange the desired books.
How RYA Book Bank Works? What am I supposed to do with the books taken from RYA Book bank once the semester is over?
The first set of books to the first year students are awarded based on the selection criteria of the project scheme. After the completion of the 1st year term student must return the books duly to the RYA office & collect the applications for additional set of books for the next or second academic year. Similarly the student needs to follow same procedure for the third consecutive academic year for the exchange of third set of books.
When can I get the refundable caution deposit? What need to be submitted to get the refundable caution deposit?
Caution deposit will be refunded immediately after the completion of course term. The student is required to submit or return the complete set of books awarded to him / her duly.
Commitee List: 2012-13
Mr. Mahendra Bokadia - Chairman
Mr. Naresh Kumar Khivsara - Treasurer
List of Trustees
Mr. Praveen Tatia, Mr. Arvind Baheti, Mr. Mahendra Bothra, Mr. Ashok Bokadia, Mr. Naresh Kumar P. Jain
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jain, Mr. Sanjay Bhansali, Mr. Satyajit Jain, Mr. Suresh Baid
In this RYA have fortunate to receive the blessing of leading lights of our nation, including Mr. Giani Zail Singh, as the President of India, Mr.. Prabhudas Patwari, Dr.P.C.Alexander and Dr. Chenna Reddy as Governors of Tamilnadu, Thiru Kamraj, Dr.C.N.Anna Durai, Thiru M.G.Ramachandran & Thiru Karunandhi as the Chief Ministers of Tamilnadu, Union Ministers, Honourable Chief Justice & Judges of the Supreme Court & the Chennai High Court and also blessed with Vice Chancellors of Anna University.
Serving The Cause Of Education Since 1964
Rajasthan Youth Association Educational Trust
IT Admin : Shreyans Sethiya
4, Atkinson Street, Atkinson Palace,
Ground Floor, Vepery, Chennai - 600 007, INDIA.
Phone : 044 - 2561 0396 / 2561 0978
Email : rya@live.in
In Photo: Mr. Sanjay Bhansali, President RYA, Book Bank Chairman Mr. Rajesh Chopra, Mr.G.K. Vasan, Union Minister for Shipping , Mr..Arun jain, chairman, Polaris Software Lab