The Nashik consumer court has ordered Mr. Dattatraya Kokate, Mr. Kishor Chopde and Mr. Arun Kapde of Bhagwati Constructions to prepare deeds of flats in favour of 5 customers who had filed independent complaints in the court against the developer.
Every customer also has to be given Rs. 15,000 as compensation for mental harassment & Rs. 1,000 to compensate for the court procedures.
The court observed in its ruling, "All the 3 developers of Bhagwati Constructions should jointly, within 30 days, ensure that the customers (buyers) get the building completion certificates & deed of flat (apartment) registered in their favour,"
The aggrieved persons, Mr. Sunil Nikam, Mr. Sanjay Pawar, Mr. Sampat Korde and his son Mr. Yogesh, Mr. Bhanudas Wable and his son Mr. Sanjay and Mr. Omkar Jaitmal, all residents of Panchamrut Row Houses, Dindori Road, Mhasrul, had filed a petition in the Nashik consumer court seeking justice against developers Bhagwati Constructions.
All the residents of 5 flats at the Panchamrut Row House complex had in their complaint presented the facts that they had paid respective amounts to the developers as per their agreement & yet the developers were reluctant to give building completion certificates in their favour and were not even ready to register a deed of the apartments in the complainants' favour.
The Nashik consumer court observed that payments had been made & that there was enough evidence to show that there was deficiency in service by Bhagwati Constructions.
The Nashik court therefore ordered the real estate company to ensure that the deeds are registered in favour of the residents within 30 days.
Src: TOI