The Revocation Committee of TNHB (Tamil Nadu Housing Board) has decided to give a final chance to the allottees of various schemes of Tamil Nadu Housing Board whose allotments have been cancelled due to nonpayment of monthly installments for three months consecutively.
It will restore their allotment of plot or flat or house by revoking the cancellation made wherever possible, as per the decision of the committee on revocation of cancellation. Those allottees who are willing to avail this good opportunity may apply to the concerned Executive Engineer and Administrative Officers of Division Offices of TNHB and also Head Quarters of TNHB before June 20, 2012.
The plot of land 0r flat or house of allottees who have not applied for revocation within the stipulated time will be sold out through public auction. However, mere application for revocation does not confer any right upon the allottees to get the cancellation revoked. The revocation committee reserves the right of revocation of cancellation and confirmation of cancellation as well. All the revocation cases shall be considered based upon certain guidelines decided by TNHB.
It will restore their allotment of plot or flat or house by revoking the cancellation made wherever possible, as per the decision of the committee on revocation of cancellation. Those allottees who are willing to avail this good opportunity may apply to the concerned Executive Engineer and Administrative Officers of Division Offices of TNHB and also Head Quarters of TNHB before June 20, 2012.
The plot of land 0r flat or house of allottees who have not applied for revocation within the stipulated time will be sold out through public auction. However, mere application for revocation does not confer any right upon the allottees to get the cancellation revoked. The revocation committee reserves the right of revocation of cancellation and confirmation of cancellation as well. All the revocation cases shall be considered based upon certain guidelines decided by TNHB.