The construction sector has contributed above Rs. 30,000 crore to Delhi's GDP (Gross Domestic production) of Rs. 3.13 lakh crore in 2011-12, retaining its position as one of the major driving forces of the Delhi city's economy.
The latest report of Delhi Government said, 'The construction sector added Rs. 30,042 crore to the Delhi's GDP in 2011-12 at current prices, up by Rs. 4,749 crore from its share of Rs. 25,253 crore in 2010-11. The robust growth in the sector to increasing demand for commercial & residential properties as well as infrastructure development projects by the Delhi government.
The latest report of Delhi Government said, 'The construction sector added Rs. 30,042 crore to the Delhi's GDP in 2011-12 at current prices, up by Rs. 4,749 crore from its share of Rs. 25,253 crore in 2010-11. The robust growth in the sector to increasing demand for commercial & residential properties as well as infrastructure development projects by the Delhi government.