TNHB (amil Nadu Housing Board) has approved about 0 apartments has caught under the legal probe. The redevelopment plans has been promoted by the TNHB located in the following areas, Adyar, Anna Nagar & Shanthi Colony.
However, there are already numerous building have been demolished & owners are staying on rental basis and waiting for new houses.
The clash raised between flat owners and TNHB due to premium (10% cost of the extra FSI (Floor Space Index - is the ratio of land area to the built-up area) that later on asking for issuing NOC (No-objection certificate) for the redevelopment. The issue, which came up in various courts, has now been referred to a full bench of the Madras High Court.
Without an NOC from TNHB the CMDA (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) and the Chennai Corporation are not issuing plan approvals therefore many redevelopment projects are struggling for approvals.
However, there are already numerous building have been demolished & owners are staying on rental basis and waiting for new houses.
The clash raised between flat owners and TNHB due to premium (10% cost of the extra FSI (Floor Space Index - is the ratio of land area to the built-up area) that later on asking for issuing NOC (No-objection certificate) for the redevelopment. The issue, which came up in various courts, has now been referred to a full bench of the Madras High Court.
Without an NOC from TNHB the CMDA (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) and the Chennai Corporation are not issuing plan approvals therefore many redevelopment projects are struggling for approvals.