Akshaya : Home Facts , Awareness Book launched

T.Chitty Babu, Chairman &  CEO Akshaya
Chennai based real estate company Akshaya Pvt Ltd has made home buying even simpler for end customers with their updated 50 point A home buying guide. It also launched a customer helpline for home buyers, where anyone can call and get their queries on buying and selling properties.

Uncompromised brand..!

In line with the uncompromised brand promise, Akshaya Pvt Ltd  is taking a step closer in enabling the main stakeholder ‘ The Customers’ to be more informed on the nuances of home buying.
Akshaya Awareness number..!

Under the aegis of chief guest Justice Mr.  A R Lakshmanan, former Judge of Supreme Court of India, Akshaya ‘Home Facts 2nd Edition – Akshaya Awareness number’ was launched along with the revised 50 points ‘Home Facts Home Buying Guide’, which is a manual for the house seeker giving details on the their rights related to various aspects when it comes to buying a property.

The first copy of the ‘Akshaya Home Facts Book’ was received by Mr. Mathew Joseph, Regional head, HDFC LTD.

Fifty essential guideline rules..!

The ‘Akshaya Home Facts Book’ lists out Fifty essential guideline rules that have been complied exclusively for the benefit of the customers which outlines the rights of every property buyer. Outlining details like complete information on legal formalities, process of buying a house, rights pertaining to amenities and rights of ownership, documentation modalities, maintenance charges &  much more. To go hand in hand, the only customer helpline in the realty sector will make buying a property as painless as possible thereby spreading the importance and the need for transparency in the real estate sector.

Mr. T.Chitty Babu, Chairman &  CEO Akshaya Pvt Ltd, said, “Akshaya Home Facts has been in existence for the last 15 years, we live by the rules and practice what we preach. This move only reinforces our belief in being open and transparent when communicating to customers and our firm ethical business practices. We have been educating all our customers who have been coming to us over all these years, this is only extending the knowledge base &  reaching out to more customers who need to be aware of the legal and documentation practices when it comes to property purchase. We are confident that this initiative will raise the awareness levels amongst the customers on the facts they need to know about before buying a home.”

Akshaya Pvt Ltd also opened up its helpline where any customers can call anytime between 9 AM and 6 PM and ask queries related to buying or selling of properties and the experts manning the helpline will attempt to answers them.

 Corporate &  Registered Office
G Square,  46, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR),
Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600 096.
Tel: 044- 2496 8811 / 4200 8811Fax: 044-2496 8812

Akshaya Home Facts Number: 1800 425 4663
Mail: marketing@akshaya.com


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