Private insurance company SBI Life Insurance has launched multi-lingual website in 9 Indian languages to facilitate communication with customers in the language they are comfortable with.
The website will provide information in Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Kannada & Punjabi.
Mr. M. N.Rao, Managing Director and CEO, SBI Life said, "In line with our customer centric business philosophy, the multi-lingual website has been created to facilitate communication with customers in the language they are most comfortable with. The initiative is aimed at further simplifying customers' understanding about our products and services so as to enable them to make well-informed decisions before investing their hard earned money"
To reach out to rapidly increasing online audience, the company recently strengthened its presence on the online medium.
With India crossing the crucial 10 crore Internet users' mark in December 2011, SBI Life's initiative assumes significance given the fact that a large section of Internet usage would emanate from tier - 2 and tier - 3 cities where web users prefer to browse content in their native language.
The SBI life, which is joint venture between the SBI (State Bank of India) and BNP Paribas Cardif, has a market share of about 19% cent among private life insurers and a total market share of 5.2%.
The website will provide information in Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Kannada & Punjabi.
Mr. M. N.Rao, Managing Director and CEO, SBI Life said, "In line with our customer centric business philosophy, the multi-lingual website has been created to facilitate communication with customers in the language they are most comfortable with. The initiative is aimed at further simplifying customers' understanding about our products and services so as to enable them to make well-informed decisions before investing their hard earned money"
To reach out to rapidly increasing online audience, the company recently strengthened its presence on the online medium.
With India crossing the crucial 10 crore Internet users' mark in December 2011, SBI Life's initiative assumes significance given the fact that a large section of Internet usage would emanate from tier - 2 and tier - 3 cities where web users prefer to browse content in their native language.
The SBI life, which is joint venture between the SBI (State Bank of India) and BNP Paribas Cardif, has a market share of about 19% cent among private life insurers and a total market share of 5.2%.