The central government has increased the loan amount to Rs. 5 lakh for construction of houses in urban areas under the ISHUP (Interest Subsidy for Housing the Urban Poor) scheme.
Based on the recommendations made by an advisory committee set up by Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Ministry, it is proposed that the existing scheme of ISHUP be revised with increase in the upper ceiling of the loan for the current Rs. 1 lakh with interest subsidy of percent to Rs.3 lakh for the EWS (Economically Weaker Section) households & Rs. 5 lakh for the LIG (Lower Income Group) beneficiaries.
Based on the recommendations made by an advisory committee set up by Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Ministry, it is proposed that the existing scheme of ISHUP be revised with increase in the upper ceiling of the loan for the current Rs. 1 lakh with interest subsidy of percent to Rs.3 lakh for the EWS (Economically Weaker Section) households & Rs. 5 lakh for the LIG (Lower Income Group) beneficiaries.