A three B H K flat with an approximate area of 1,370 square feet was recently transacted at Rs. 2.65 crore on 5’th Road, Matunga. This works out to a per square feet price of Rs. 25,157 which included the cost of a covered car parking.
This 9th floor flat is housed in a 4 year old residential tower, located in the vicinity of Matunga Gymkhana. The location is counted among the more premium residential areas in this micro-market. Residential rates here range between Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 30,000, depending on the age of the property and the amenities offered.
Source: Knight Frank India
This 9th floor flat is housed in a 4 year old residential tower, located in the vicinity of Matunga Gymkhana. The location is counted among the more premium residential areas in this micro-market. Residential rates here range between Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 30,000, depending on the age of the property and the amenities offered.
Source: Knight Frank India