Investors Awareness & Education Programme to be held on Saturday, the 7th January 2012 at 3.00 PM at the Madras Stock Exchange's Registered Office of the Exchange, Exchange Building, IV Floor, No.30, Second Line Beach, Chennai-600 001.
Mr. P. Narayanasway, Founder Member and Past Vice presdent, Tamilnadu Investors Association, Speaks on ''Grow Your Money - Yourself Systemmatically"
Mr. V. Nagappan, Director, MSE, and Chairman, MSE ICM, will also address the participants.
Date: 7, January 2012 (Today)
Time : 3.00 p.m
Place: Exchange Building, IV Floor, No.30, Second Line Beach, Chennai-600 001, 044 25228951
Mr. P. Narayanasway, Founder Member and Past Vice presdent, Tamilnadu Investors Association, Speaks on ''Grow Your Money - Yourself Systemmatically"
Mr. V. Nagappan, Director, MSE, and Chairman, MSE ICM, will also address the participants.
Date: 7, January 2012 (Today)
Time : 3.00 p.m
Place: Exchange Building, IV Floor, No.30, Second Line Beach, Chennai-600 001, 044 25228951