Madurai based Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry has urged the new Mayor of Madurai Corporation, Mr. V.V. Rajan Chellappa, to have a review of property tax revision and re-fix the same and implement the revised tax retrospectively from April 1, 2008.
In a demand submitted to the Mayor Mr. V.V. Rajan Chellappa, recently, the Chamber President, Mr. N. Jegatheesan, and senior president Mr. S. Rethinavelu, said ''The Madurai Corporation enforced an exorbitant and befuddled hike in property tax during the revision from April 1, 2008, severely impacting trade and industry and the public, ignoring in the process the orders from the Government, clarifications and guidelines in this regard, as also the pleas from the trade and industry."
In a demand submitted to the Mayor Mr. V.V. Rajan Chellappa, recently, the Chamber President, Mr. N. Jegatheesan, and senior president Mr. S. Rethinavelu, said ''The Madurai Corporation enforced an exorbitant and befuddled hike in property tax during the revision from April 1, 2008, severely impacting trade and industry and the public, ignoring in the process the orders from the Government, clarifications and guidelines in this regard, as also the pleas from the trade and industry."